Tuesday 1 May 2018

Here we go on our 2018 adventures

We arrived at Fenny Marina on Friday 27th April to embark on our travels on Sunday. However, as is often the way with our plans we decided to change them!  Weather is against us! Friday was very wet and cool. Then Saturday, which was our day to get in provisions, was drier but very, very cold. Later on Saturday we travelled to Henley-on-Thames, by car, to attend a good friends 70th birthday celebration at the Leander Club - very posh! Having past this world famous rowing club many times by boat it was a real treat to view the river from within the club. We had a lovely evening with some old and new aquaintences and only an hours drive from Fenny.

With the forecast predicting a very wet Monday and it being so cold again on Sunday we took the decision to delay our start until Tuesday.

Tuesday morning dawned sunny, a bit warmer and the wind had dropped, so the perfect start to our 2018 season.

It felt so good to be out of the marina and travelling again. We past our great friends and ex narrowboat owner's old mooring and had a pang of regret!
We miss Anni!

Once again the countryside has turned yellow with not only the fields of oil seed rape but also dandelions! As any of our old followers of this blog may remember this is a sign of a good summer! I can't say this old wives tale has been accurate over past years but I am optimistic that it may be right this year!

We were delighted to see that many of the gates on the Napton Flight had been replaced since we past this way last summer.

We moored for the night just below Lock 10 and thought we deserved an ice cream but sadly discovered that the Canal Shop at the Folly is now no longer there.  We were told that the owner, Ian had suffered several  hospital stays towards the end of last year and took the decision to call it a day.  Such a useful little shop will be greatly missed.

However, all in all a very pleasant first day.

1 comment:

  1. Awww - we felt really sad reading that - we miss our good times with you at Fenny. Think the boat on our old mooring is using that towpath a little more than we did!! Enjoy your travels. We're with you in spirit!! Xx
