Wednesday 3 May 2017

Day 8 - Painting practice

Yesterday - day 7 was a day of sanding, sanding and more sanding, then washing down, cleaning off and masking. The tunnel at some points of the day was thick with a haze of dust and it was very, very warm.  The end result was a lovely smooth finish on which to start painting.

Masked and ready for painting

Sid also had his first practice of painting on the stern and in the bow, both places that are not too visible.  However, the results were very impressive and we were both a little teary.


The plan was to start Day 8 with masking the roof, Jenny had masked both sides during the late afternoon of the previous day but ran out of steam so was determined to get finish as soon as possible in the morning. it was a much longer job than either of us thought and it wasn't finished until lunchtime.  Whilst she was masking Sid was rubbing down his previous nights painting in order to give it a second coat and practice further.  It is certainly a learning process and he is getting lots of hints from the lads who work at the marina.  Steve in particular, who although a carpenter by trade, is the chap who does any boat painting jobs in the workshop.  He and Sid have lengthy chats about which rollers to use, which size brush size is best to lay off with and general painting issues, temperature being of prime importance!  The second coat, which Sid trialed different 4 inch rollers with, had mixed results, some very good and others not so good.

Temperature permitting he is hoping to get the rest of the roof and some of the sides started.  Let's hope it is not too sunny.

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