Sunday 7 May 2017

Day 12 - Jenny and Sid's 12th wedding Anniversary

An interesting way to spend our special day!

A really good day 11 when it was dull and overcast all day and positively chilly in our tunnel saw all the green first coat painting done.  And it looked great.  It seemed to take forever but we were overjoyed to see the results of all the sanding and preparing we had done.  At last some progress

Green first coat


Looking Good Sid!

We had an early start on day 12 whilst it was cool in order to get the red panels painted. Unfortunately, the sun broke through sooner than expected so the last panel was painted on metal that was getting far too hot but we were determined to get this first coat finished.  This done we went out for a celebratory lunch not only for the fact that, at last the whole boat had a protective layer of paint on it but because it was our anniversary.

At last some red - very red! Manchester Red!


Clever Sid!

The afternoon got hotter and hotter so any work in the tunnel was out of the question so we had a lazy afternoon sitting in the sun. 

As the temperature started to drop we felt able to get going again.  Another window got sprayed and we sanded down all our beautiful shiney paintwork ready for a second coat tomorrow.

As stated at the start of the post an interesting way to spend our special day!!

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