Friday 5 May 2017

Day 10 - Too much sun!

Two days of sunshine would normally be a delight on the water, however in the polytunnel with temperatures reaching 30 degrees centigrade it is definitely not right for painting!

Beautiful view from the polytunnel

With the boat rubbed down and masking in place Hunters Moon was a bit like the thwarted female who is all dressed up with nowhere to go.  Before the heat built too much Sid was able to have another paint practice on the front and back and the hatch doors.  This proved useful but as the steel hotted up painting had to cease so we decided to go out to lunch at Dobbies Garden World, which is just a short drive from the marina.  A good lunch and a wander around this fascinating garden centre whiled away a few hours and then a trip to get yet more masking tape and other necessary painting related items did us the world of good if a little frustrated.  We returned to the marina and found the tunnel even hotter than earlier which is interesting with there being such a chilly brisk wind blowing through the tunnel.  The bright sun is the problem.

A yellow countryside

We decided to eat early and as the late afternoon cooled down so ddi the boat so Sid managed to get a good evenings painting done which resulted in the green on the roof on the starboard side finished before the light began to fade.  The finish he achieved was brilliant.

For Sid,  Day 10 started very early, 5.30am!!  With another sunny day forecast we decided to get a few hours in before things hotted up.  Alarms were set for 7.00am but Sid woke early so decided to start.  He got the roof green finished and final coats on the front and back so they are now finished and whilst painting had to stop we were able to get some of the stuff we had to get off the boat back on and Hunters Moon now looks much more like her old self in the bow and at the stern but much, much shinier!  we are delighted with the results and we have had several appreciative remarks from folk around the marina!

Who's a clever boy?

Saturday is forecast to be cloudy so we may make more progress!

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