Thursday 22 September 2016

Season of mist

'Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness' ( John Keats)

September was always one of Jenny's mum's favourite months and the 'Ode to Autumn' one of her favourite poems.

Waking to a very misty morning we were rather slow to get going!  However,  we were in need of disposing of a growing amount of rubbish on board, having enjoyed bbqs for the past few evenings, ( why is everything in such large packaging?), whilst we relaxed on the towpath, with a glass or two, watching the sun go down! Which is sadly happening earlier and earlier each day so we have been determined to make the most of it. It does get to feel quite damp just after the sun sets however!
We also needed to take on water and empty the toilet cassette so we had to move.

Much to our delight, as we approached the water point a boat was just departing and said they would wait for us at the Bascote staircase lock. Hooray, some company at last!
It was so good to share the locks with Richard and Sue on nb.'Beatrice'. A lovely name for a boat and one that brought back fond memories of our Nimbus days with good friends David and Janet.

We gradually descended the ten locks together, some of which looked amazing with the wonderful spider's webs festooned all around and doarkling with the morning dew, to Leamington Spa where we parted company, for us to visit Morrisons for a much needed top up of provisions and then a little further along to Lidl to top Sid up with some beers! Those long, languid evenings sitting on the bank had made a big hole in the reserves!

The sun didn't break through the mist until well after 12 o'clock and when it did it was very, very warm and rather humid.
Shopping done we decided to continue through Leamington Spa towards Warwick and hopefully find a mooring on the Saltisford Arm, where we have moored on previous ocassions.  Which we did, although a little unauthodox,  but were told it would be okay to moor in the winding hole!

Another pleasant bbq in the lovely surroundings in this little arm run by the Saltisford Canal Trust. And, another lovely sunset!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog and photos - lots of progress been made toward! Also the Keats quotes are beautiful - totally agree with your mum on that choice. Love to you both, S and P in JFK airport awaiting flight to New Orleans.
