Thursday 22 September 2016

Polesworth to Hawkesbury Junction

'Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn among the river sallows,  borne aloft or sinking as the light wind lives and dies;'

Our ascent of the eleven locks into Atherstone was much smoother than the previous occasion, in fact it was quite sociable with boats coming down at convenient intervals and CRT volunteers helping to wards the top of the flight.

Sid's main aim of the day was to get the Springwood Haven Marina to visit their very well stocked Chandlery and to also about hiring their covered area for painting boats.  This is something that he has had in mind for a while and he would very much like to paint Hunters Moon himself. Enquiries made and some thinking to do so we found another lovely mooring a short way from the marina.

A day of no locks followed and the sun came through so we enjoyed a tranquil, easy journey to Hawkesbury Junction.

Nearing the top of the Atherstone flight

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