Wednesday 14 September 2016

Autumn cruise

Back on board

September finds us back on board for an autumn cruise although having just heard the weather forecast it looks like we might be heading back into summer for a few days.

Since our last post which found us back in Fenny Marina in July amid some lovely summer warmth and sunshine we have spent an emotional August and early September at home where the summer continued hot and dry, as I predicted having seen all the signs in nature during the spring!

We are heading towards Birmingham this time but really are just so happy to be on the water so won't be hurrying anywhere.
We had a day cruise yesterday in the sunshine with Rachel and Lee and were able to enjoy a rather long and lazy bbq lunch on the towpath. The day ended up in the Wharf Inn, Fenny Compton, where Rachel and Lee tried to tackle a 'Cookie Monster' for dessert. It beat them even with a bit of help from us. This was their first, brief introduction to life on board a narrowboat and we think they enjoyed it. We certainly enjoyed having them on board as we do when anyone comes to find us on our travels.

Lee lock wheeling

Rachel enjoying the sunshine 

Lee and Rachel relaxing with some bubbly

Sunny Tuesday.

The forecast was right and we woke to a brilliant, sunny, hot morning. Most unusual for this time of year. Ahead of us was the Napton flight, a pleasant breeze was blowing keeping the temperature just right. No queue at Top Lock which was surprising because the Oxford Canal is extremely busy, especially with hire boats at the moment. Our usually quiet mooring on Monday night was full up by the time evening drew in.

Having thought we would be down the 9 locks in good time for a lunch stop it was with dismay that we were caught behind a hire bought with four ladies on board, all pensioners, as I was to find out, and all with 'ailments', I was too polite to ask what kind of ailments. The problem was they were very, very slow going into locks, working the locks and departing the lock. No great problem,  we were not in a hurry BUT they left gates open and  left paddles up and after a while this can get wearisome. At one lock we caught up with them and Jenny had a chat with the helmswoman, which is how we found out about the 'ailments'! She also discovered that they were not really enjoying their experience and we're heading home early. They had not realised what hard work it was going to be, they thought 66ft was too big for them, they got soaked last Saturday. What a tale of woe?!
I didn't like to say that we too were pensioners and manage all the locks with just the two of us! Well, horses for courses and thank goodness we don't all like the same things!

Sheep on the towpath! 

Anyway, it took us two and a half hours to get through the locks which normally take  about an hour less! Heigh ho, that's boating for you.

We are now moored at yet another of our favourite places along this stretch of water, where once again it is very busy.

Another hot day forecast for tomorrow and the large Grand Union Locks await us! Let's hope we have some company to share the work.

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