Thursday 22 September 2016


'Close - bosom friend of the maturing sun'

Should we, shouldn't we! That is the question!
We had taken the decision yesterday that we would have a rest day and a bimble through Warwick on Friday.  The day dawned wet, wet, wet and watched Sue and Richard depart for their ascent of the Hatton flight, remembering our first time up the 21 locks in the rain 3 years ago, and we're relieved that we had decided against it.

However, after a lazy morning, a visit to the office and a walk into to Warwick the sun started to come through so after several should we, shouldn't we conversations we decided to follow Beatrice up the Hatton flight after  we had had lunch.
So, the sun was shining and despite a very brisk breeze  we set out and two and three quarter hours  later ( sorry can't find the fractions on the tablet), we reached the top and treated ourselves to an ice cream!  No beer!

Stairway to heaven
The Hatton Flight

Nearly at the top!

We have still to decide whether to continue on the Warwickshire Ring or to turn round and return the way we have come!! The jury's out!

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