Wednesday 30 June 2021

Where has summer gone?


We returned to Hunters Moon on a damp and chilly Sunday to await the fitting of our new cratch cover on Monday.  We were very excited about this. We had replaced the zips of the old cover, now 9 years old, and watched it gradually deteriorate and had intended to replace it last year, but with no cruising last year it had become even worse. Sid had taped it up to see it through last winter, which had worked well. 

The canopy was due to be fitted at 2.00pm so we spent the wet morning shopping for essential provisions, wine, beer and a few other nice goodies from Waitrose.
Harry and Rich from Kinver Canopies turned up on time and within 35 minutes had fitted and demonstrated the workings of our beautiful new cover. It will take us a little time to adapt to the different configuration but it does look good.
We then decided that Hunters Moon deserved some new centre lines so jumped in the car and headed for Braunston. We were given a most interesting lesson on ropes and the various types of ropes by the very helpful owners of Tradelines in Braunston Marina. So, we came away with nothing but the best!

Tuesday morning, still overcast but at least the rain had moved off, and after a lazy start we set sail.  A short trip to a favourite spot to moor overnight then on to another of our quiet favourite moorings outside Braunston. The skies are still grey with a few glimpses of sunshine and a chilly northerly breeze bring June to an end. Maybe July will get warmer!

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