Tuesday 22 June 2021

Travelling cut short

 Tuesday morning and the words that Jenny dreads was heard!  "Can you look at my leg Jenny?" Sure enough there was the sign of a bite or sting on Sid's lower leg and it looked very red! Not wanting to take any chances we made our way to the Engine Arm on the Napton flight  to wind and head back to Fenny.  Sid felt OK, no fever but his leg was hot and firey looking. The sun was hot and with the help of a lovely volunteer, Jan we got through the Marsdon Doles Locks with speed. Once on the summit it was just gentle chugging all the way back to base and the all-important car, should we need to make a dash for home and medical support. 

Fortunately,  although Sid's leg remained red and slightly uncomfortable he still had no fever and the redness was not spreading. We got HM ready for our departure and part loaded the car in case we needed to depart quickly but with Sid feeling OK we decided to enjoy the evening in the marina with a bbq and travel home on Wednesday morning.

We had planned to be home for the following week due to various appointments so we were only losing a couple of days and the glorious weather was due to break on the Thursday anyway.

So, home for ten days then back to continue cruising for a few weeks, all  being well!

See you then.

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