Monday 5 July 2021

Our Adventure Continues

Thanks to our good friend Sara, who has reminded us that we haven't posted anything on the blog since leaving Fenny Marina. The fact is we have just been bimbling along the south and north Oxford Canal and watching the world go by and also in our defence, communication signals have been pretty rubbish. It seems very strange in these days of instant and constant links with the world via Internet or mobile phone that we are sometimes completely cut of from everyone. Now back with the human race so here is our update.

The waterways have been very busy with hire boats, as we expected, but with a fair few private boats as well. We have had no problem mooring, even in Rugby, where we ventured into Tesco for our very first 'big supermarket' shop in 15 months or so!

The weather has been very mixed with grey overcast skies giving way to brighter skies during the afternoon. In fact it has felt and looked very much like autumn on occasions.  We have had a couple of beautiful evenings when we have been able to sit out and enjoy the sun going down.

However, Saturday morning was very rainy and Sid got rather wet on our trip to Hawkesbury Junction while Jenny stayed below and did some domestic chores! The rain stopped just as we got to a very quiet Hawkesbury. In the past we have had to moor a good way off the actual junction but this time there were only two boats moored before the stop lock and once round and on the Coventry Canal there was a long stretch of vacant moorings. Very strange!

Rain and thunder kept us company most of the warm, sticky evening and Jenny got stung  by a bee!

On Sunday we arrived on the Ashby Canal and despite a damp start the sun came out and it actually turned warm but not for long. The the clouds gathered and we have been treated to some hefty showers. So, we decided to stop early and hunker down. Roast lamb, roast potatoes, fresh veg and a nice glass of red sounds the perfect way to spend a damp summer Sunday.

A beautiful sunny morning took us further along the Ashby on Monday. It is very quite on this most picturesque of canals with far reaching views over the Leicestershire countryside and once again we are enjoying just chugging along.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray you’re off on some jolly adventures again albeit in some changeable weather 😕
    Bee stings not nice tho Jenny. Hope you’re ok.
    Happy cruising xx
