Tuesday 11 June 2019

Carry on up the Caldon

Saturday 8th June

Rain, rain and more rain!  Windy, very windy and even windier! We do not move!

Sunday 9th June

The rain and wind have moved off and the morning dawns bright and quiet so we are eager to get moving. A relaxed and pleasant morning follows as we make steady progress along this beautiful canal. We take the decision to follow the main line down to Froghall when we arrive at  the very pretty Hazelhurst Junction . This is a winding and picturesque stretch of waterway, and with it being a Sunday there are plenty of folk walking, cycling  and generally enjoying the canal and it's environs. The canal runs parallel to the Churnett Valley Railway for a large part and we received some cheery waves from those on board the train, sadly today, not being pulled by steam.

Obstacle along the way!
The remains of an old swing bridge

The Flint Mill at Cheddleton 

The Hazelhurst Aquaduct 
We went under it and over it

Consall Station

A tight fit under the waiting room and platform!

Once passing through Oakmeadow Ford Lock the canal joins the river Churnett and winds through beautiful countryside before it gets very, very narrow, passing beside (below, see photo) the Consall railway station and gradually getting narrower, shallower and even more narrow as it winds it's way along to Froghall. Sadly, Hunters Moon is too high to pass through Froghall Tunnel but there is a winding hole and good mooring before the tunnel.
Once  moored we took the short walk to Froghall Basin, which is charming, and explored the Limekilns before enjoying an ice cream from Hetty's Tea Room. And, Hooray,  the rain had held off all day.

The profile gauge for the Froghall Tunnel 
at Flint Mill Lock

Froghall Tunnel, too low for Hunters Moon to pass 

Tranquil Froghall Basin

The Limekilns

Monday, 10th June

Although rain was forecast for today we woke to a bright, sunny morning if very cold so made a prompt start  back towards Hazelhurst Junction, where we planned to take the Leek branch of  the canal down to Leek! Once  again we were lucky and the rain held off until we were moored at Leek.

Entering Leek Tunnel

Neither of us can remember a season on Hunters Moon when the weather has been so cold and miserable and still having fires in June.  Where is summer?
Sorry to keep on about the weather but it is rather testing!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos of a pretty part of the world. I am surprised you got in the Leek tunnel even - looks a tight squeeze. Froghall only meant for frogs? The little station is so toy town, lovely. Us boaters understand the need to mention weather esp when its relentless wind and rain- it certainly messes things up. Keep cosy! France is same - not cold but heavy rain. Bah! Xx
