Saturday 7 May 2016

The first day of our travels

After weeks of anxiety and uncertainty we are on Hunters Moon and raring to go.

Farewell Fenny

Beautiful, warm, spring sunshine encouraged us to 'set sail' late in the afternoon in order to get to one of our favourite 'local' moorings. The birdsong was magical and a huge bumble bee kept us company as we enjoyed our first bbq of the season sitting outside on the towpath.

It never ceases to amaze us how we seem to attract the oddballs on the waterways and once again, on this tranquil mooring, we were approached by a chap, complete with hi - viz jacket,pith helmet and little jack russell, Sophie, to have a chat! Having heard his life story, where he lived, about his two 'late' wives, where he had been moored, his motor home and where he was heading, which is the Lancaster Canal via  the Ribble he bids us good evening and returned to his boat, Harry. Somehow we know we will see him again on our travels.

The sun is setting and it has grown cooler but we have a stunning sunset to close a most pleasant day 1.

1 comment:

  1. like the pub bore, there is a towpath bore - we get them too. I don't suppose he had any interest in what you had to say, if you could get a word in edgeways that is!
