Saturday 7 May 2016

Meandering through Warwickshire

Another beautiful spring day dawned and Hunters Moon gracefully glided through the calm waters of the Oxford Canal with fields of yellow on either side and the sound of lambs bleating to attract the attention of their ever vigilant mums. The sight of field after field of sheep and lambs makes me wonder why we import New Zealand lamb and also why we have to pay such a high price for British lamb- which in our opinion is far superior to the imported stuff.

The birds busy feeding their young and singing in the tree tops is a delight. Haven't heard a cuckoo yet.

Interesting crochet art on the lock gates 

The countryside is turning greener by the day but the poor old ash trees are struggling and are often the only brown trees along the way.

Poorly ash trees along the towpath

Our progress is slow but sure and we are enjoying another lovely mooring, where we intend to have another bbq very soon after decsending the Napton Locks earlier and stocking up with buffalo burgers from the Folly shop.

Hunters Moon entering Bottom Lock, Napton

The next day was just a short hop to yet another of our favourite moorings in this area. It took us through field after field of sheep and lambs and yet again we are left to wonder why we don't see more British lamb in our shops and where does all our lamb go? To France?

From our mooring we had a lovely walk, in the glorious warm sunshine, to Braunston. Sid needed a Midland Chandlery fix and we both felt we deserved a beer - purely to pick up any emails etc - having not set foot in a pub since the start of our voyage.
Another bbq on yet another lovely evening brought our day to a close.

Stunning sunset!

1 comment:

  1. Fab - can picture this stretch so clearly - wish we were in tandem
