Sunday 15 May 2016

A challenging day!

The sun is shining again with a chilly northeast wind but it is so much better than the past couple of days.

After filling, very slowly,  with water, disposing of rubbish and emptying of chemical toilet we are underway heading towards Nuneaton along the Coventry Canal.

Just before we reached Nuneaton we were hailed by a fisherman. He had got the 6 foot end of his very long pole caught in the foliage on the opposite bank and it was floating in the canal. He asked if we could get it for him. This involved much manoeuvring of a 57 foot narrowboat in a tricky wind and in very shallow water! However, ever the hero Sid, managed to position the boat in such a way that between the two of us we were able to retrieve the pole and then manoeuvre back to the towpath side to return the pole to the very grateful angler. Apparently we saved him £30.00!

As we continued through Nuneaton we noticed the engine sounding not so good to point where  didn't want to go any further! Obviously there was something wrapped around the prop! Not good! Sid managed to get Hunters Moon to the towpath where Jenny could hold her while the offending article could be removed. In the past we have had plastic bags, bits of rope, fishing lines and even a pair of overalls causing the problem but this was something quite different!  Lots of huffing and puffing later involving a crowbar, a screwdriver and side cutters and we were underway again. The culprit was a length of aerial cable!
By this time the day had really warmed up and despite the challenging wind progress improved.

The offending cable! 

 Leaving Nuneaton behind we journeyed through some beautiful countryside with fields if yellow on all sides.  Shortly after lunch we came across Springwood Haven, a little marina with all services including a gift shop and Chandlery. Sid needed a piece of string!         ( Fancy Sid nor having a piece of string on board!)  The piece of string was purchased together with yet another map and also two ice creams! We felt we deserved them!

We moored at Hartshill where we enjoyed a walk up the narrow country lane, flanked by bluebells, to the village where there are some amazing views over the Warwickshire countryside. Another beautiful evening took us onto the towpath yet again for a tasty bbq.

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