Friday 10 September 2021

Dull! Dull! Dull!

The beautiful blue skies have been replaced by looming clouds and after overnight heavy rain the countryside looks dank, misty and gloomy.

We set off for Braunston to use the facilities and to visit the butchers and general stores. Unfortunately,  Braunston still suffers from being a real black spot for communication so no mobile signal and no internet. It is surprising how isolating it feels in this day and age. Sid managed the walk and we were nearly back to HM when the skies opened and rain poured with a few rumbles of thunder in the distance. And so it continued for the rest of the afternoon and evening. 

The following morning we were just about to slip our lines when more heavy rain arrived! Whilst waiting for the rain to clear Jenny made a blackberry and apple crumble.

On The Braunston Flight with 4 Fun

It was good to encounter a CRT volunteer at Braunston Bottom Lock when we eventually set off and shared the locks with Brian and Elaine on nb 4 Fun. However, after 3 locks the volunteer came running up to us and asked us to stay where we were because he had had a report of the next pound being very short of water so he was going to let more water down. The flight had been very busy during the morning,  maybe this was the reason for the water shortage.  Half an hour or so later all was flowing again so we continued on our way. 

The rain stayed off and we completed the fight without further ado. 

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