Wednesday 8 September 2021

Another hot day - hooray!

 With another hot day ahead we made an early start. Due to lack of water the Marston Dole locks are at present locked overnight. They open at 08.00 so couldn't proceed down the flight any earlier!  Ha, ha! people who know us, know we are not early birds these days so for us to be at the Top Lock by 09.15 in our book is early. 

We made rapid progress down the 9 locks with boats going up at every lock bar one. 2 hours is a record for us. No prizes though!

We contemplated stopping at the moorings at the bottom where there is good shade but since there was a lovely, fairly brisk breeze blowing keeping the temperature unmanageable, we decided to press on and find a mooring nearer to Braunston. However, most of the shady spots were already occupied. We were beginning to fade and resign ourselves to an exposed sunny mooring when we rounded a bend and there it was, the perfect patch of shade just waiting for Hunters Moon to moor. 

So, a breezy, quiet afternoon was spent on the towpath with a few more blackberries picked and some pages of books being read before another BBQ.

Towards the end of a hot day. 

After our bbq

Enjoying the last of the last hot day

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