Friday 21 September 2018

Stormy Weather

Having moored back in the sheltered waters of Oxford 's East Street moorings to sit out the tail end of Storm Helene, which had reeked havoc to parts of the US East coast, we then heard that Storm Ali was on it's way.

Fortunately, Sid had some jobs to do. Firstly, to repair the ceiling lining on Hunters Moon, which we noticed had dropped in a number of places and secondly to try and sort out our persistent water leak!

Being in Oxford we were able to source the necessary bits and pieces needed. So Sid filled his day with making good the ceiling.

The water leak somewhere on the hot water cylinder is another matter. Ideally we need to be close to a water point because the tank needs to be emptied and then refilled. Sid also noticed that the tank was in danger of falling through, the now rotting floor where it had been wet for so long so needed to make a temporary repair under the hot water cylinder  to prevent this happening. To this end we left Oxford on Wednesday morning, very early, before the stronger winds picked up and headed south to Abingdon.

We had a rather blowy journey but made it safely to Abingdon, where  'lo and behold' Bente was assisting the lock keeper!  It was so good to see her and Erik and to hear that Erik, although rather bruised and stiff, had not suffered any major ill effects from his fall.
The mooring we had hoped to go on above the lock was full so we went through the lock, ably assisted by Bente, and moored just below, which was an interesting experience! Just as we were coming alongside the bank the boat got caught by the wind and we were in danger of running aground on a very shallow patch of water not to mention bring carried toward the foot of the weir.  Jenny  managed to get to the bank with the centre line but could not hold it then we changed places and Sid could not hold it so, with us both back on board Sid tried to manoeuvre us out of trouble. Eventually, the lock keeper and another chap , having seen what was happening from the lock side, came to our rescue and we managed to get Hunters Moon securely tied up.

The very blustery afternoon was then spent  dismantling the bed, the hot water tank being under it,  emptying the tank, ascertaining where the leak was, making a temporary repair to the flooring, sorting the leaking connection and then putting everything back together again!

The suspect connection at the base!

Job done at my then we heard Storm Bronagh was bringing more gale force winds our way.

So, here we are still on Abingdon waiting for the heavy rain at mind winds to move on.

ps Erik and Bente's boat 'Lady Louisa' came from Datchet not Le Boat . Just wanted to keep the record straight.  They moved on today so good luck to them in the strong winds. We wish you both well.


  1. Oh dear, what a nuisance that tank has been, but glad you've finally sorted it, couldn't have been easy in that space. Winds sound awful, never conducive to happy boating. Have you stayed put for a while? Hope you have sunshine today as we have here.

    1. A sparkling autumn day today. We are watching the sun setting on a very chilly evening at Thrupp.
