Friday 28 September 2018

Nearing the end of our 2018 season

Here we are at the end of September thinking back on another memorable season on the water. We have visited some interesting new places, met some lovely folk along the way, and had a a few adventures. The weather for the most part has been wonderful and at times, dare I say it, too hot, so we have been able to enjoy some tasty canalside bbqs, many long evenings sitting out and some pleasant walks.

Despite the strong winds and heavy rain last week the past few days have been a real treat with gentle breezes, warm, sometimes even hot , sunshine and warmer nights. We have been slowly making our way northward on the Oxford Canal playing leap frog with another boat,  WaterLilleys.  The owners Sharon and Terry have had an exciting summer. Terry has walked 600 miles on the SW coastal path while Sharon  has spent her time taking WaterLilleys down the Kennett and Avon to Bath single handed! Any boaters will know that is no mean feat and we take our hats off  to her. She was ably assisted by her four-legged companion Ziggy.

One of the delights of travelling on the canals  is these lockside encounters with  interesting people,  who you keep meeting as we all journey along the same route.

During our shopping stop at Banbury Sid had to make his usual visit to Tooley's Boatyard. This resulted in us ordering a new chimney. Not just any old chimney this time but a hand built,  made to measure 18 inch chimney. It is made from 4mm steel, has a double flue, fluted top, twin lifting handles and has brass plate with Tooley's (Hunters Moon beneath) embossed on it.

Photos will follow when it is delivered.

We were also asked to let everyone know about Banbury Canal Day on Sunday  14th October 10.30 - 4.30. Also a note for canal lovers, a book entitled ' Forging Ahead' ( a history of Tooley's Boatyard ), by Matthew Armitage will soon be available.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a splendid chimney! Just watch out for those pesky Hawthorne bushes, esp near bridge 135?!!!! Enjoy your last days homeward. X
