Wednesday 27 September 2017

Into Oxford

We have had a beautiful couple of days at Thrupp with warm sunshine and clear blues skies.  Needless to day we knew it would not last. Heavy rain overnight bought a rather grey, damp morning as we left for Oxford.  Just before we left we met India on Suzy Q, who we had got to know at Springwood Haven whilst painting Hunters Moon earlier in the season. It was good to catch up with her and hear her news.

Jenny had whiled away a very pleasant afternoon on Sunday by making a turkshead knot to adorn the tiller. As a first attempt she did pretty well.  What do you think? There is still another to make for the top of the tiller. The mark II version! 

The approach to Oxford is a rather sad affair along the Oxford Canal. The canal side, for much of the way is littered with boat after boat that look in a sorry state and rather neglected and the towpath has an array of tatty garden furniture,  bags of coal, piles of logs and sadly, boaters cast offs and rubbish and sheets of tarpaulin flapping on top of boats, by the side of boats, partially covering odds and sods along the towpath. This all gives the effect of a shanty town.  The visitors mooring towards the end if the canal are ok but further out they are overgrown and it would be nigh on impossible to moor or get of the boat. It is all very disappointing as the lead in to such a splendid city.

We found the last mooring opposite the College Canal Cruisers hire boat base and we're looking forward to having a drink in the Bookbinders pub in Jericho  but it is not open on a Monday! We will just have to stay until Tuesday to sample their ales on our good friends, Sara and Pete ' s recommendation! 

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