Friday 22 September 2017

Back to normal cruising

After our wonderful Baltic Cruise we are certainly back down to earth now.
We felt we had rather neglected our beautifully painted and sign written narrowboat having not set foot on her for far too many weeks but we soon  familiarised ourselves and loaded her up with provisions and our little floating home was shipshape and ready to head south on the Oxford Canal then onto the Thames for a couple of weeks.

The sun was shining as Sid steered Hunters Moon out of Fenny Marina for our autumn cruise. Sadly, it wasn't long before the clouds thickened and the wind began to build.

We made good progress through Claydon Locks die to a steady stream of boats heading north.. However, these poor folk travelling north had not been so lucky. One of the pounds had been drained overnight and this had caused a long queue at the bottom lock. By the time we arrived at the top lock normal service had been resumed and water had been restored o the flight.

We had a short lunch stop in Cropredy and made the decision to press on to Banbury. It was a good one because the sun appeared again and we had a good afternoon on the cut and arrived in lovely, warm sunshine.

If the forecast rain arrives tomorrow we will enjoy a day in Banbury. Maybe some retail therapy!

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