Tuesday 13 June 2017

At Last!

Well, it is 6.00pm and at last the sun has broken through! More to come tomorrow apparently!  Let's hope summer has arrived at last!

We have had a much better day today, not only have we done a full days travelling but the wind has dropped, at last! It has also been warmer, so all in all good cruising conditions. But, it has been so busy on the cut.  There has been a constant flow of boats coming towards us all day.  Obviously, everyone on the water has taken advantage of the good conditions.

It is good to see 'our green and pleasant land' in all its summer glory with the green fields of wheat, barley and corn sprinkled with the bright red of poppies and the oil seed rape has now turned to green.  The hedgerows and towpaths are every shade of green and speckled with the last of the spring blossom, the shepherds purse and the elderflowers in full bloom and the sweet aroma of honeysuckle fills the air.  What a 'wonderful world'.

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