Tuesday 6 June 2017

A trip back home and signwriting begins!

After our sunny, warm, lazy days on the Ashby Canal we received not so good news from home so decided to put the boat into Springwood Haven Marina and return home.  Our new found, friendly team at the marina were only too happy to help us out with a mooring.  We settled the boat in and left for home that same evening having confirmed our return on Monday 5th June to be ready for Jon Leeson, the signwriter.

Our journey back to Nuneaton on Monday was eventful.  Firstly, the M3 was closed northbound so we had to take an alternative route before getting caught up in the official diversions, which added 30 minutes to our journey not the 2 hour delays we heard about later for those travelling north on the M3.

We then heard there was an accident on the M6 in the Coventry area causing 2 lane closures so the sat nav gave us an alternative route, which took us right through the centre of Coventry, not what we really wanted. However, we arrived at the marina safely if a little bit later than anticipated.

At this time the wind was building and by the time we had unloaded car and sorted out the boat the rain had started and before we knew it there was a real storm blowing up and due to continue until well into Tuesday with winds getting stronger and stronger.  AND we had to get boat into the polytunnel!!  Manoeuvring a narrowboat in windy weather is not an easy task especially into a narrow tunnel. We checked the forecast and it was due to be no better in the morning, maybe worse so we took the decision to move in the evening.  Sid being a master at boat handling did an amazing job and we didn't hit anything. In fact, the caretaker at the marina, Andy, on hearing an engine starting up and thinking what fool is taking a boat out tonight, came round to the tunnel to lend a hand, if necessary. It wasn't! But it was so good of him to be there just in case.

We were so pleased to have taken the decision to move because it was far worse in the morning with stormy winds and driving rain.  It also meant that the boat was dry for Jon to start work on.

We have had an emotional day watching our boat come alive again and take on her personality plus!
We will save photos until she is completely finished tomorrow!

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