Thursday 16 June 2016

Change of weather!

Rain, rain and more rain! Off with the shorts and sunhats and on with the waterproofs, heavy shoes and, today,  Sid had to don his gloves ' cos his handies were cold!


The countryside is looking so different now with the onset of early summer  with the hedgerows filled with fragrant honeysuckle, wild roses, elderflower and pointed purple foxgloves. If the blossom on the blackberry bushes all turns to fruit we should be in for a bumper crop.  Thick green foliage along the towpath has taken over from the may blossom of a week or two ago and tall, stately, yellow flags are blooming along the water's edge.  The ducklings, goslings and cygnets are growing sturdier day by day.

The mowers have been busy on the rather overgrown towpaths, so what with the abundant rain making the towpaths muddy and the grass cuttings we have a rather messy cocktail being walked onto the boat!

Heading for Penkridge tomorrow to meet with Dave and Val again before they head of on their travels in their new caravan.

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