Wednesday 29 June 2016

Back on Board

Saturday morning

We have had an eventful and emotional week back in Chichester and have now returned to Great Haywood Marina to complete are rather curtailed travels by retracing our outward journey.
Whilst back in Chichester we managed to catch up with children and grandchildren, visit the nursing home that we hope Jenny's mum can move into, Sid had his Consultant appointment, which was a little worrying but enabled him to acquire yet another gadget, (recommended by his consultant), and we had a meeting with the manager of the Kings Lodge Nursing Home to assess Jenny's mum's needs when she moves there. Quite emotional!

 Then to end the week the result of the referendum, which stunned everyone but we are lucky enough to live in a democtratic country and it is what it is and I am sure  after a period of challenging adjustment the UK will emerge changed but still a 'Great' country.

We left Great Haywood this morning in bright sunshine and soon found a queue at  the first lock. This was soon worked through by the four women who had gathered there from boats travelling up and down through the lock whilst setting the world and our respective travelling companions to rights!

We have found a pleasant mooring for lunch just outside  of Rugeley and feeling rather jaded still and with rain threatening we have decided to stay put!

As we moored Sid made another friend, Roy, who introduced himself after congratulating Sid on his 'boatman's hitch'. " Your the only other person, apart from me, who I've ever seen doing that". Once again, what can I say?

What's this in the water?
A Good Samaritan had tied this huge tree trunk to the side of the canal to keep it out of fellow boaters way! Too heavy to  pull out of the water!

1 comment:

  1. No matter how the boat 'takes you away' - certain bits of life encroach - we know this too. We just hope the sun shines on you eventually for your return journey xx
