Friday 10 May 2013

On the Thames again and travelling downstream

Friday 10th May

To say we are fed up with the wind is an understatement!

We had just got through Kings Lock on the Thames, rounded another meander and woosh! we found ourselves grounded!  Sid not very happy and the wind just wanted to keep us blown on the mud! Eventually managed to get Hunters Moon floating again but we were both a bit fed up so started to look for a suitable mooring.  We had just cleared the bridge that carries the A34 over the Thames and Jenny spotted a little bank that looked as though it was waiting for us.  Fortunately, there was a little shelter from the wind so we moored with no problems.

Jenny was a bit concerned by the 5 young black bullocks looking at her but apart from that it seemed like a nice spot.  A short walk after lunch took us up to the lock and along the river opposite the Port Meadow which is unchanged since William the Conqueror presented it to the burgesses of Oxford as free common land.  We found The Perch but decided it was perhaps a bit early!  We had a nosey round the remains of Godstow Abbey and then Jenny realised that the pub, just over the bridge, the only surviving fragment of the Abbey, is the Trout Inn, where many, many years ago she had a beer.  It is now a very, very busy and huge gastro pub.  The setting is idyllic it is just a shame the same can't be said about the weather - it had just started raining.

What a pair!

Later that afternoon, whilst Sid was having a siesta after the traumas of the grounding, Jenny was sitting in the cratch area taking in the afternoon sun and doing some crocheting.  Suddenly Sid was woken by a scream as Jenny got the fright of her life when a goose decided that he (or maybe she) would like to come on board and tried flying into the cratch.  The noise and the clatter of the work bag falling to the floor dissuaded him but it left Jenny very shaken.  Poor Sid thought Jenny had fallen in or something!  The goose spent the rest of the evening eyeing the boat with disdain!

 Godzilla the Goose! 

The bullocks were the next to be on the move but seemed more interested in our mooring stake indicaters than us though one did give us a long hard look as he passed!

Inquisitive bullocks!

We decided to stay put the next day because the forecast was for even stronger winds.  Out came the bikes and off we road into Oxford.  It was a lovely cycle along the towpath and we had a most enjoyable time until on our return trip not only was the wind howling but the skies opened up too so two drowned rats returned to the boat.  Our waterproofs got a really good test and proved to be more than man for the job.

Heading to Oxford - Round another bend!

Today, Friday, we arrived in Oxford by boat this time, having reconoitered the day before and found good secure moorings.  We did some sightseeing and then climbed the 99 steps up the Carfax Tower to get a birdseye view of the 'dreaming spires' of Oxford we also had a lovely walk along the Oxford end of the Oxford canal and found loads of empty 48hr moorings.  It looks as though the Canal and River Trust have been busy clearing many of the 'water gypsies' from the canalside.

Osney Bridge - Lowest on the Thames at 7" 6'
Just made it! 
NB chimney removed!

Oxford from the Carfax Tower

We are hoping the wind continues to abate after the weekend and we will then proceed further downstream.

It is always good to receive news and if anyone wants to visit at any time do give us a ring on Sid's mobile.

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