Tuesday 28 May 2013

Back on Board

After a very hectic few days at home we arrived back at Thames and Kennet Marina this afternoon.  It was wet, wet, wet all day and now at gone 7.00pm the sun is breaking through.  Better late than never!

We had a friendly welcome from Ceil at the marina who gave us a very good rate for our stay so we were happy bunnies.

On towards Henley tomorrow but may well stop en route, who knows?


  1. Hello both,

    Fantastic blog. Great to read about your adventures and see all the lovely pictures! However, I think there is a distinct lack of pictures of the pubs and local ales!

    Mel and I have booked tickets back to uk for Christmas so looking forward to catching up with you then :)

    All the best,
    Duncan x

  2. Great to hear from you. Christmas seems like a long way away but the way the months fly by it will be here all too soon.

    The problem we have is that we get into a pub and forget all about taking photos and are too busy enjoying the great local ales. We will try and remember to take the piccies before we enter next time.
    It is just such a shame that we have to frequent the local inns in order to get WiFi! Someone has to do it.

    Our thoughts were with you on Friday at the great evening arranged by Ben Jenkins
