Sunday 29 September 2019

Meeting up with more 'old' friends

Yet another peaceful mooring with great panoramic views meant we slept well and we're looking forward to catching up with our very good friends, Sue and Pete. They found our mooring tucked behind the mound and remains of Fotheringhay Castle.
Our mooring from the top of the mound

We enjoyed much chat and laughter over coffee before heading off to The Falcon for lunch, which was a short walk away and to Sue ' s delight the magnificent church, St Mary the Virgin, was open so after a delicious lunch, served in the pub's conservatory which overlooks the church, we had a look around. From the outside it looks huge but on stepping inside it seems to shrink! It is a bright interior with no stained glass. Apparently, Elizabeth I had all the stained glass removed and the cloisters and a large part of the church destroyed!
St Mary the Virgin Church, Fotheringhay

Sue and Pete had planned to take us to Oundle, a pretty little town dominated by a public school, for a stroll and tea but unfortunately, the showers had turned to torrential,  heavy rain so a brief drive through was all we could manage. We did manage a cuppa but in Waitrose rather than a pretty tea room.

It was great to see these lovely people again and they departed with promises of not leaving it so long 'til we meet again.

Saturday morning and time to start our up river journey. Strong winds and waters against us meant that our 6 hour journey downriver took 7 hours of battling but Hunters Moon did well and got us safely to Thrapston and a safe and secure mooring to spend, what was forecast to be, a wet and wild night.


Both in need of a day off the heavy rain and gusty winds of Sunday kept us put in our dry and cosy boat.

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