Monday 8 July 2019

Return to normal.

Well, we have had a great week back home in glorious warm sunshine when we have had bbqs,  picnics, enjoyed sports days, an outdoor swimming gala, caught up with all the grandchildren and most of the children, got the garden looking reasonable and enjoyed a great, if rather hot wedding. A full on week, so returned to Hunters Moon for a rest and hopefully to enjoy the good weather, at last! Not to be it seems. The forecast is for overcast skies, and rain! We are not having much luck this year with the weather.

Anyway, we had a good journey back to Great Haywood Marina and had arranged to meet up with Dave and Val again for a meal, and a few beers, at the Clifford Arms. We caught them between their caravan trips to Wales, last month and then Norfolk in a few days time. It is great that they enjoy their caravanning as much as we enjoy our boating.

We had an extra night in the marina so Sid could do an engine service and will be off on Tuesday, heading south.

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