Wednesday 22 May 2019

From Kinver to Stourbridge

We thought a little trip up the Stourbridge Canal would be good having passed straight  through Stourton Junction many times. The four locks, all in our favour were very straightforward and we soon found ourselves in open countryside. We meanders along this quiet waterway stopping for lunch opposite a field of buttercups, called Primrose Hill!
Wordsley Junction is where the Town Arm branches off the main canal and takes us down to Town Wharf.  As with so many of these arms the canal passes through new housing estates built on brown field sites and terminate at  a rather sad basin with three abreast moored narrowboats, some of them looking rather neglected and worse for wear. The most interesting feature of the basin is the restored bonded wharehouse.

Stourton Junction

Primrose Hill - maybe  'Buttercup Hill'

Stourbridge Bonded Warehouse

The Weighbridge at Stourbridge Wharf

The Clock Tower, Stourbridge

Stourbridge Town Hall

After a quiet night in Stourbridge we woke to a brighter morning and planned a long day travelling back to Stourton Junction and to continue northward along the Staffs and Worcs.

Maybe beyond saving!

We achieved our goal of getting to the top of the Bratch Locks well before 4.00pm , when the lock keepers go off duty , and found the moorings empty!  We were both weary after  16 locks so felt we deserved our roast beef and yorkshire pudding accompanied by a very nice bottle of red followed by another peaceful night .

1 comment:

  1. Sounds lovely esp as you have the good weather now. Remember Stourbridge Canal as being particularly pretty - or part of it. Xx
