Monday 2 October 2017

Windy weather

It has been a challenging day on the river with strong winds making for interesting mooring and driving into locks, many of which have been self service. However, the rain held off until Boulters Lock when we had to don our waterproofs.  However, as so often happens, we had got moored just downstream of Brunel ' s Maidenhead railway bridge, which has the flattest and widest brick arch in the world, than the rain stopped and the sun tried to peak through.

The stretch of water between Henley and Maidenhead is particularly scenic and despite the wind we had a very pleasant and quiet days cruising.

It has to be mentioned that as Jenny was operating the self service lock at Boulters a very perceptive gentleman on a narrowboat coming upstream mistook her for a lock keeper!  He commented that he had been told at Bray Lock, that Boulters was not manned  and was very pleased to see that he had been told incorrectly!  Jenny did put him right and he replied, " but you seem to know what you are doing!"

This is for Sara and Pete
Following a Linsen 30!

1 comment:

  1. oh thanks! we are still looking! Your man at Boulters has a patronizing air and one I am familiar with as a grey haired lady manning (womanning) locks. I wonder if he would say the same to man ?!
