Sunday 23 July 2017

Back to Hawkesbury Junction

We left Fradley Junction on Friday morning with a stiff westerly breeze blowing, but it was dry! Our intention was to get as far as possible along the Coventry Canal . We took a brief stop at Fazeley Junction to use the Elsan disposal then had a quick lunch break before heading through Glascote Locks, where there was yet another queue! It seemed to take ages to get through these two slow filling locks!

Wet Atherstone Flight

Trying to show the windy conditions along the Coventry canal

The wind was getting stronger and conditions were quite challenging.but chugged on. We thought Polesworth might be journeys end for today but we pressed on, past the 'poppyfield' mooring, one of our favourites and decided to get through the first two locks of the Atherstone flight which would give us a good start for tomorrow.  HOWEVER, best laid plans, Jenny was just preparing the first lock and the skies opened!  We just couldn't believe it. Driving rain in the strong wind then set in and by the time we moored above lock 10 we were WET.

Heavy rain and wind continued throughout the evening and might.  Miserable!

The sun was shining early on Saturday so we left our morning just after 08.10, very early for us!  Guess what?  There was a three boat queue at Lock 9 and the pound was very low. The working boat that was at the front of the queue had a deep draft andneeded some extra water to get him through. Water was let down from lock 8 and he was underway.  After this early blip we ascended the flight with the help of some  CRT volunteers at locks 3, 4 and then top lock.

Our next stop was at good ol' Springwood Haven Marina for fuel, and to catch up with old friends.  We then continued on our way towards Hawkesbury Junction.  With ten minutes to go before we planned to moor the skies opened again. By the time we eventually moored at a very busy Hawkesbury we were WET! Does this sound familiar?

Cheery Honeysuckle

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