Monday 15 June 2015


We have just spent a most enjoyable time with Jenny's brother Chris and his wife Pauline at this delightful little town.

Sid was also able to get his blood test done at the local Health Centre this afternoon. The staff at the health centre were so helpful and the appointments receptionist was also so understanding and very efficient. We have always been thoroughly satisfied with our surgery and hospital in Chi but this was efficiency above and beyond anything we are used to. The temporary patient form was issued and completed in about 5 minutes. The form then had to go to the admin office for Sids details to be put on their system which took less than5 mins. Sid was then able to go to theappointments desk where he was offered an appointment for the afternoon. When he arrived t the health centre he was seen bang on time and in less than 5 mins he had had his blood taken, tested and been given the results. We were both very impressed and of course it saved Sid spending Tuesday travelling to Chi and back. So onward toward Bath and Bristol tomorrow!

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