Sunday 1 June 2014

Back on board

We returned to Hunters Moon on Thursday, exhausted but very pleased to report that Emily is now well on the road to recovery!

Today has been a very strange day. Having decided to go north for a bit to explore the Aylesbury Arm of the Grand Union Canal we returned down the Marsworth flight of seven locks which bought us to the junction by lunchtime. We didn't fancy doing all 16 locks of the Aylesbury Arm in one go so planned to moor between locks 8 and 9 then to do the rest on Saturday morning. Best laid plans and all that!

Well, when got through lock 8 we noticed the water was very, very low and some kindly walkers informed us that there was problem at lock 9 - a very bad leak! A notice on the lock said because of the leak, due to a damaged cill on the bottom hates the lock was locked and would be manned for opening at 9.00, 12.00 and 3.00pm. It was 2.50 so we decided to wait. Two burley chaps duely turned up! They proceeded to try to fill the lock but there was nearly as much water pouring from the lower gates as there was going in. When the water was inches from the top they heaved and heaved and pushed and pushed and nearly hurt themselves to get the top gate open. They managed to get it open! Hooray we thought! We then progressed down this lock and proceeded to the next.

Another CRT chap greeted us at the next lock with the news that because the damage was so bad and the leak so severe that it had been decided to close the whole of the Aylesbury Arm until lock 9 was repaired!

We are therefore trapped along with a few other boats at Aylesbury. However, we have Waitrose on our doorstep and are only a short walk from the town centre! There is water and refuse disposal and chemical toilet disposal facilities in the newly refurbished basin! At least we are not stuck in the middle of nowhere!

We are hoping to catch up with friends whilst in this area and to explore a bit so we don't mind being stuck for a while but hope it is not too long!!!

Watch this space!

Hunters Moon moored in the new Aylesbury Basin
Waterside Theatre, Waitrose and a Travelodge in the background.

Sid and Ronnie Barker in Aylesbury

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