Saturday 10 May 2014

A slow start on Saturday

Sid and Jenny woke to the sounds of the nearby railway and wind rushing through the trees! The very strong winds that halted us early yesterday had not abated so we were in two minds about venturing further, so we had very lazy, slow start.

We were both a bit low and down in the dumps when suddenly the mobile rang and on the other end was our little Emily. She can now speak into the phone and say hello Nana and hello Gandad, which is lovely. She has known for a while that we live inside the phone!!! She always says Nana and Gandad in there!! So, we had a chat and we also spoke to Janice!! We both got a lovely bye bye from Emily and felt much brighter.

This helped us to make the decision to move and see how we got on.  An hour down the cut and we gave up! The wind was dangerous and had not long moored up before a boat came along and was blown right into the back of us! We had obviously made the right decision!

Hence we find ourselves enjoying an afternoon drop of very fine ale in the convenient pub opposite our mooring in Bugbrooke.

Jenny has spent the early afternoon downloading some photos! Here are a few.
Jenny lock wheeling in the rain at Watford Locks

Sid wanted one this size at the top of Foxton Locks!

Made it to the top of Foxton in the sunshine

Sid in the sunshine!

Pete, the happy helmsman!


  1. Keeping an eye on your travels and hope to catch up with you soon. I have been laid up in bed for 3 days with a horrid virus, but seem to be on the mend now...thank goodness.:-)
    Speak really soon

    1. Get well soon and it will be good to see you and Steve on board any time! X
