Tuesday 22 April 2014



Sunshine, a woodland glade, lanterns, music and singing, lots of lovely people and a very happy couple all worked together to make Matt and Wendy's commitment ceremony a very memorable and happy occasion. And for afters a vintage tractor and trailor decorated and made comfortable for the happy couple transported the happy couple to their reception where Morris Dancers, a hog roast followed by  barn dance all contributed to make this a very special day.

The Happy Couple

Sid just couldn't resist a go!

Easter Day
After the sunshine of Saturday, Sunday was a wet and windy day. We celebrated Easter at the Cathedral of the canals, All Saints, Braunston, where the enthusiastic Rev Sarah Brown led an inspirational and uplifting service which brightened the bleak, cool and windy morning.

We planned to set off in the afternoon but decided to stay put and make an early start on Monday.

All Saints, Braunston
'The Cathedral of the Canals'

Easter Monday
Off early on a beautiful, still, sunny morning. The water was very busy and there was a long wait at Napton Top Lock so progress was slow but since this was a bit of  trip to just fill time before returning home briefly at the end of the week, we were not bothered.

Jenny on enjoying the sunshine on the cut

Back to the Napton and now enjoying our first pub visit for a while, at the Folly. A lovely drop of beer! Cheers!

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