Tuesday 29 April 2014


It has taken us three days to get here!! We have had various layers of clothes on and off and today we had to don waterproofs for the first time. We have had wind, sun, overcast and bleak, stillness and peace and mist and mirk but up until today have not got wet! Today we bought more coal because the forecast is for high pressure to move in and bring cold and frosty nights again. However, despite sad news from several of our friends we are OK and send our prayers to those in need.

Tomorrow we plan to ascend the Braunston locks go through Braunston Tunnel and get on the Leicester Arm of the Grand Union. That's the plan but as we all know the best laid plans........

In the meantime, Sid and Jenny are enjoying a very pleasant drop of ale in the afternoon sun overlooking Hunters Moon moored on the opposite bank.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Here we go again¡

Back on Hunters Moon and we have travelled many miles!

'The joy of bubbles!'
Wonderful Emily sitting duties!

"Who is the two year old here?"

After a hectic but most enjoyable couple of days we arrived back at the marina, settled our dues and departed. This time heading in the right direction, north. However, we were both feeling a bit tired and it was very windy, again and it was starting to rain so we got no further than the towpath very near The Wharf!  For those of you not familiar with the area, it must be at least 300 metres from the marina.

Heigh ho tomorrow is another day!

Tuesday 22 April 2014



Sunshine, a woodland glade, lanterns, music and singing, lots of lovely people and a very happy couple all worked together to make Matt and Wendy's commitment ceremony a very memorable and happy occasion. And for afters a vintage tractor and trailor decorated and made comfortable for the happy couple transported the happy couple to their reception where Morris Dancers, a hog roast followed by  barn dance all contributed to make this a very special day.

The Happy Couple

Sid just couldn't resist a go!

Easter Day
After the sunshine of Saturday, Sunday was a wet and windy day. We celebrated Easter at the Cathedral of the canals, All Saints, Braunston, where the enthusiastic Rev Sarah Brown led an inspirational and uplifting service which brightened the bleak, cool and windy morning.

We planned to set off in the afternoon but decided to stay put and make an early start on Monday.

All Saints, Braunston
'The Cathedral of the Canals'

Easter Monday
Off early on a beautiful, still, sunny morning. The water was very busy and there was a long wait at Napton Top Lock so progress was slow but since this was a bit of  trip to just fill time before returning home briefly at the end of the week, we were not bothered.

Jenny on enjoying the sunshine on the cut

Back to the Napton and now enjoying our first pub visit for a while, at the Folly. A lovely drop of beer! Cheers!

Friday 18 April 2014

Back at Fenny

Simon really enjoyed his 24 hours with us on board Hunters Moon. After getting to grips with lock wheeling he tackled steering, which he found a strange experience, not being a driver!

The one event that nearly spoilt his experience was when, on Wednesday evening after a pleasant meal and a couple of beers in the Red Lion at Cropredy, he decided he would just like to stretch his very long legs and go for a stroll. It was a beautiful evening and after showing him where we were on the Nicholson canal map and recommending him to take it so he could find his way back to the towpath if he strayed he set off. Little did we expect him to go on a hike! As dusk drew in and there was no sign of him we tried his mobile but as those of you who know these remote areas there was no signal. We were getting rather anxious as now it was getting dark and Simon was out there somewhere in a strange place with no  knowledge of the surrounding area. At last, thinking ourselves rather irresponsible parents we made contact by text. He was OK , a bit lost and thought he had worked out where he was, thanks to the map we had pressed on him and would be with us in about 15 minutes!

We were now getting very concerned when there was still no sign of him about half an hour  later.  It was pitch black!
You can imagine our relief when Simon eventually appeared by the boat. I think it was relief all round and we have all learned a very valuable lesson. Thank goodness his mobile had a torch. It just goes to show you never stop worrying about them no matter what age or size!
Simon, Sid and Jenny at Cropredy

Simon takes the helm

Short and t shirts on the Oxford Canal in April

We are off to Matt and Wendy's committment ceremony tomorrow which we are really looking forward to.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Welcome on board Simon

Another beautiful, warm, sunny day welcomed Simon on board. His train arrived on time and after a pleasant leisurely lunch we set off towards Cropredy. Simon was like a little boy again enjoying the delights of lock wheeling. It was lovely having another pair of hands to help with the locks. Thanks Simon!

It was a very pleasant afternoon cruising up to Cropredy and we arrived in good time for a beer in the sunshine at The Red Lion before enjoying a bite to eat at the pub.

We plan an early departure tomorrow morning to get back to Fenny in time to get Simon on to a lunchtime train back to Brighton.

Tuesday 15 April 2014


She slipped silently into the muddy waters of the cut as you would expect of someone who "used to be a dancer"!

" Sid!" she yelled!  Sid meanwhile was busy preparing the lock!
Dom, Dom dimmer Dom......(EastEnders!) Next chapter to follow shortly!..........

In glorious warm spring sunshine we set off southward! For those of you taking any notice yes, we were supposed to be heading north!

 A phone call on Sunday evening from Simon changed our plans for a few days. Simon thought he would like to come on board for a couple of days and Banbury Station sounded a good place to pick him up. So to Banbury we headed.

A lovely evening was spent on a tranquil mooring at the foot of Clayson locks and we had decided that Jenny would take the helm and Sid would be her crew so she was feeling very pleased with herself. A good day.

'Sid turned and expected to see Hunters Moon gliding into the lock. He thought to himself "something's missing!" Seconds later he realised it was Jenny! He spied the centre line but not where he expected it to be! "Where is she?". Oh no!!!!!'.......

On waking to a glorious but very cold morning we slipped our lines early - for us and continued on our way as yesterday I.e Jenny at the helm. Through the first lock and all went well again.

Then, it happened and Jenny still is unsure how it happened but she can now testify that the water is very, very cold. She held on to the rope and managed to get hold of a fender ring because, being very little her feet didn't touch the bottom!

Fortunately, the folk from the upstream boat that had just departed the lock heard the cuffufle and came to help retrieve the cold, soggy person from the icy water - Sid would have been unable on his own - and we would have had to revert to plan B ! Sid was shaken and Jenny was a bit shaky as well, so she went below to get out of her wet gear and have a hot shower whilst Sid, who didn't want to waste the waiting lock, took the boat through with the help of fellow boaters.

Except for an unscheduled washing machine cycle, and a rather wet camera and walkie talkie and some loss of pride all ended well and we are sitting in Wetherspoons in Banbury ready to meet Simon off the train tomorrow at midday.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

2014 Season - Leaving very soon!

We are hoping to get off on this adventures on Sunday 13th April.

So, keep an eye on this blog to see what we have been up to and where we have been.  We will try to update as regularly as possible.
