Tuesday 1 October 2013

Fenny Compton

We were blown  back to Fenny this afternoon.  Having left in strong winds in the spring so we arrived back in strong, challenging winds.  Definitely not the best of boating conditions!

Regular readers will know that we have had a great summer.  Who couldn't have in the wonderful weather we have experienced?!

We have clocked up close on 500 hours of cruising and done close on a similar amount of locks!  We have been blown about, suffered from the cold and the heat and watched the changing landscape from winter, spring, summer and now early autumn.

We live in an amazing country with some spectacular scenery. From the waterways it is a countryside where you never quite know what is waiting around the next corner.  Some of it better than the next but all fascinating.  As a friend quoted recently there is the good, the bad and the ugly.  Fortunately,  the good far outstrips the bad and the ugly! There are more lovely people around than there are not so nice and we are so grateful for the many lovely people we have met and who have helped us along the way.  Our paths may never cross again but they have been part of our journey and are thus, very important.

A narrowboat is such a wonderful way to enjoy and experience so much that would otherwise pass us by.

We count ourselves two very lucky people and are very thankful!

Although this is possibly the end of our long term cruising this year we are hoping to get some short trips in during the next couple of months especially if the weather stays mild but we would prefer less wind.  We will play it by ear.

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