Friday 19 July 2013

Still Very Hot, hot, hot

At last we are enjoying a beer!

 Since Tuesday we have: travelled to Teddington, motored down the tidal Thames to Brentford (all OK), entered Thames Lock and the Guaging lock at Brentford on the Grand Union, climbed the Hanwell flight (pictures for Jenny's mum attached), Jenny has suffered from the heat, moored at Tescos between Southall and Hayes, spent Thursday ascending the Grand Union in company with 'Esprise' with Richard and Vanessa on board (they were heading for the IWA Festival at Watford), and today we have just done 15 locks and an 8 hour day. This means we have done 35 locks in 3 days so we thought we deserved a beer.

Any ideas as to how to stay cool on a steel narrowboat? We did come across one odd chap who kept diving into the canal. If you could see how dirty the water is you will understand it is not for us.

Onward uphill tomorrow!

Lock on the Hanwell flight

Not sure what happened to these last two photos!!  Will try and redo at some time.

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