Tuesday 11 June 2013

On Board Again

Well, here we are again, sitting in a pub, The Thames Court, catching up on e mails etc and updating our blog, AND sheltering from the rain and cool wind again.  Having left the boat in glorious sunshine and after enjoying a fabulous weekend it seems we are back to a normal English summer.  

We had a lovely day with Emily and Jenny's mum on Friday.  Emily is quite a little character now and although still not walking can achieve great speeds when crawling.  Her smile makes the world a brighter place and she is a delight to look after.

The sun shone on Phil and Nic on their wedding day and we enjoyed a beautiful day and danced the night away to an excellent band.

In fine spirits we returned to Hunters Moon and decided to stay at Penton Hook for one ore night as there were a few jobs that needed to be done and it would be easier to do them tied up in a marina than trying to do them on the bankside - oil change and a loo leak.

First photo taken with the new camera Steve has kindly given us 
'Serious Steve'

This morning we went to the office to get a parking permit and replace our gas, which all went well UNTIL Mr Jobsworth turned up. We had paid for a weeks parking and were just loading the gas into the motorhome to take round to the boat when a voice said, " You're not leaving that here are you?".  we explained that we had just bought a permit before heading off towards the River Wey.  We were told that motorhomes were not allowed on site.  This naturally sent us into a bit of a tizz.  What were we going to do? This was the first time we had had a problem leaving the motorhome at a marina since we left Cheshire so MDL Marinas now have a big black mark from us.

The marina staff suggested that we could park it in the approach road or in an area towards the park but on inspection both these were either restricted areas or double yellow lines so that was useless.

Not sure what to do we returned to the boat and had a think.  An SOS call to Steve  resulted in some very useful and helpful ideas.  We then spent the next couple of hours travelling around the area trying to find storage to no avail so in the end Steve was able to let us put it on his drive - temporarily.  Fortunately Rosie's caravan was having some work done to it and would not be back until Thursday so we had a couple of days to get our heads together.

Steve made one further suggestion of a possible storage site and after a phone call to them we had it fixed.  A bit of juggling about on Wednesday and we will have it stored safely for a month so a big thank you to Steve and Rosie. All's well that ends well!

New Owner Wanted!

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