Tuesday 30 April 2019

Underway at last

Monday 29th April

At  last we get underway after Storm Hannah kept us in the marina longer than expected and, we also had an unexpected invitation to a roast lamb lunch from our great 'old' friends, Jan and Tony, who are now living 15 minutes from Fenny Marina.

It is so good to be back cruising and signs of spring are all along the way with the hedgerows turning green and little clusters of blossom  appearing on the  bushes, cowslips are abundant,  frolicking lambs fill the fields and the little bird in the photo below welcomed us to our first  night mooring at Napton.

We head onto the Grand Union tomorrow .

Tuesday 30th April

We awake to a beautiful, sunny morning but very cold so head off onto the Grand Union with our winter layers on.  Yesterday the water was very busy with boats but today they all seem to have disappeared.  Despite waiting for a short while at Calcutt Locks for some company to share the double locks  we ventured down these three locks on our own, no problem but the heavy gates and hydraulic winding and the huge all amount of water used much nicer and more water friendly when shared with another boat and and her crew. However,  we took the decision to stop for an early lunch at the top of the Stockton  Locks , a flight of eight,  and to wait for someone to join us. After more than an hour and the canal seeming deserted we started down the flight.

On the Stockton Lock flight

 By this time the sun had warmed  things up so gradually our layers came  off. In fact it was a beautiful afternoon. At one point in the flight some CRT volunteers, complete with windlasses,  appeared and we thought we might have some help, Jenny was tiring and her leg was causing her some discomfort, but they just walked on by. Obviously not on lock duty today!

We got to the bottom lock and stopped to take on water. We seemed to have used a lot in just 2 days! ( Note to self: be more frugal with water usage!). Just as we were full a lady appeared round the  corner from the bottom lock carrying a windlass. Another boat!! We had 2 more locks to do before our mooring for the night, at the Two Boats, so it was good to share those. Should we have hung around at Stockton top lock for another half hour or so we would have had company all the way?

More signs of spring today with our first sighting of cygnets and also a little family of ducklings.

Thursday 25 April 2019

Our 2019 Season Begins

We have arrived back on board amid strong winds, cool temperatures, heavy rain  showers and bright sunny spells - typical April weather, after the hottest Easter on record .  However,  we are so grateful to be back on Hunters Moon after a winter of a mixture family events..
We are planning to head northward again this year covering familiar canals as well as ones new to us.  We are also hoping to visit some of the waterways that were restricted to us last year due to stoppages.

We are sure to encounter some adventures and some interesting folk along the way.

And so, off we go!

Hunters Moon ready to go cruising with her new solar panels