Saturday 29 April 2017

day 4 - much progress

I know!  Day 3 is missing!  That's mainly because day 3 was sanding, filling, more sanding, more filling, sanding then washing off!  Not much to report.

Day 4, however, saw much more progress.  The day started with some more sanding but then we tackled a window, then another and another. then guess what?  More sanding of windows and window frames but it felt like a huge leap forward!

By the end of Saturday we have a spotted boat with no name, which is cleaner than it has ever been with the amount of water sprayed over it after sanding.  We have a windowless boat on the portside and one window frame sanded, prepared and sprayed matt black and two others waiting to be sprayed tomorrow.

Starboard side tomorrow and the portholes.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Day 2 - The boat with no name

Firstly, we would like to say how friendly and helpful everyone has been at Springwood Haven Marina. We have been made very welcome. They also have a very well stocked chandlery and a big black dog called Enzo!

sanding of starboard side nearly finished

Our second day has been very successful and apprentice Jenny has been allowed to weald a sander. And, with her magnificent help we have managed to get the whole boat sanded so we are on schedule so far.  Nobody thinks we can do this in two weeks!

Apprentice Sander Jenny

'The Boat With No Name'

Hunters Moon is looking rather sad at the moment but we are nearing the end of the preparation (except for the issue of the windows) then the fun of painting starts!  Will the apprentice be trained to that level?!  Windows first!  We may take the first window out tomorrow just to see the scale of the that job.  

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Day 1

Washing and sanding down

Having removed most of the exterior boat fittings and equipment yesterday it was the day to give HM a good wash down prior to sanding.

Does she really need painting?

Jenny had to remind Sid to dress correctly for the sanding, which he was pleased about as the afternoon wore on and the air turned a little green.  Jenny kept him supplied with plenty of tea and ensured he didn't overdo it.  Not an easy task once he gets going.

Sanding man!

By the end of the day the roof and back were all done. A good day.

Sadly, however, we still can't get a TV signal but at least we have internet.

Jenny had a pat on her back by our friendly neighbour, Penny in the next door polytunnel.  She is having a new kitchen fitted to her boat, which is the cabin lace boat.  She makes and sells porthole and cabin lace and was very complimentary about my cabin lace and i hope to pick up a few tips from her during our time here.

More sanding tomorrow!  

Tuesday 25 April 2017

First Stage achieved

Well, amidst sleet, hail and snow showers we arrived at our destination and made very welcome.  Despite being a day early we were able to get into the polytunnel and even made a start on preparing Hunters Moon for her make over.

The lads at the marina offered to get HM into the tunnel since it is a tight squeeze.   With a little hesitation we agreed and were very glad we did since it was not an easy manoeuvre and the icy wind caught the boat, which caused them a bit of a problem.  However, after a little bit of jiggling into the tunnel she went.

So, tomorrow we start!

Monday 24 April 2017

Miserable Monday

Monday morning, as forecast, dawned cold, overcast and rain threatening. We were lucky enough to cover most of the trip to Hawkesbury Junction staying dry if rather cold. however our luck ran out about 3/4 hour from our destination.  Waterproofs on and a warming cuppa kept us going and although we had to moor in pouring rain the thought of a warm and cosy interior awaiting us was very comforting.

the really cold north wind is due tomorrow so we are glad to just have a short journey to get us to a mooring outside Springwood Haven Marina all ready to go into the polytunnel on Wednesday morning and then the fun will start

Mother duck and her huge family

Are you ready boys?

Sunday 23 April 2017

Good progress

Another sunny day greeted us but still that chill in the air. In fact, at times during a mainly sunny day it was positively cold.

Our journey today was very uneventful. The Oxford Canal was fairly busy with a mixture of hire boats, live aboard changing moorings and a few folk like us making the most of the spring sunshine.

Our trip today took us from Braunston down the Hilmorton locks through Rugby and on to a very pleasant and very quiet mooring near Town Thorn Farm having stopped briefly at Rugby for water and a quick provision top up at to Tesco.

We are on schedule to get to Springwood Haven Marina on time so if we get the predicted rain, cold northerly wind, hail,  snow or any other unpleasant weather that can be thrown at us we should be ok!


Perfect mooring

Sunny Saturday

After our dull day yesterday we woke to beautiful sunshine. Still a chill in the air but so much cheerier.

David, Ruth and Barny (their boisterous, black labrador) joined us on this short leg of our journey to Braunston and with some warmth in the sunshine we enjoyed a jolly day. Lots of chat, we had a lot to catch up with, and much laughter carried us along the way.  We even spied a little muntjac deer on the towpath near Wigrams Turn.

A dog friendly cab company took our travel companions back to Napton.

A most enjoyable day.

Sid and David arriving at Braunston

 Ruth and Barney

Winding in Braunston

Underway at last!

Cold Sid

After weeks, nay, months of planning we are eventually on our way. Having dropped the ' red car' at Springwood Haven Marina in the morning, which took 51 minutes from Fenny Marina by car we then set off on our trip to the same location by boat! This will take us 5 days!

Grey skies and a cold wind accompanied us on this first day and we have just heard the weather forecast of  possible snow showers next week! Where did those beautiful blue skies go?
It was an uneventful journey to Napton until our last lock of the day! Jenny had set lock 9 ready for Hunters Moon  to exit lock 10 and drive straight in, the pound or the distance between lock 10 and 9 being very short. However, just as she was opening the bottom gates of lock 10 a boat arrived at Lock 9 making its way up the flight. The boat owner proceeded to close the top gate of lock 9. Sid spied this happening as the gates opened so hooted his hooter vigorously to alert the boater of our approach. This was all ignored by the boater and she proceeded to empty the lock. We were incensed about this very selfish act especially since the water levels throughout the flight was very low and it is just not boating etiquette.  Not a good end to the day. Heigh ho onward and upward, sorry downward we are descending the flight!
Water buffalo 

Still, we picked up a pleasant mooring where we did manage to get a good TV signal if not any mobile signal, not unusual on this stretch of waterway. Curry for supper on board and a few glasses of refreshment restored our spirits.

Friends,  Ruth and David are joining us tomorrow and the sun will hopefully break through so we should have a pleasant lock free trip to Braunston.

Off to a good start April 2017

Thursday 20 th April

Well, here we are again on Hunters Moon at the start of our 2017 travels. On the first stage we are heading to Springwood Haven Marina neat Nuneaton where we have booked a wet dock, where over a period of 2 weeks Sid is going to give HM a long overdue repaint.

We had to travel to Fenny Comoton in two cars in order to leave one at Fenny and one at our painting destination and to transport even more equipment needed for the mammoth task ahead.

Our arrival at Fenny was made all the better for meeting up with good friends, Sara and Pete. Needless to say we enjoyed a good meal and a few beers and lots of chat  at The Wharf.

Car delivery tomorrow morning and then set off towards Napton.