Thursday 7 July 2016

Wildlife and animals along the way

Grey squirrel 

Baby rabbit


Sleeping sheep

Hillside horses

How did he get there?!

Home Again

We seem to be coming home rather a lot thus year! However,  we had a good last few days on board with the sun coming through and warming things up a bit although the persistent wind was still a nuisance.

All Saints Church in the sunshine

We arrived just outside Braunston on Saturday and we're therefore able to go to All Saints on Sunday morning and received the normal warm welcome.  Our good friends Sue and Pete were going to meet us for lunch in The Old Plough, which is just along the road from the church.  It was so good to catch uo with them and we enjoyed an excellent roast lunch followed by a stroll in the warm sunshine back to Hunters Moon.

Sue and Pete feeding the ducks from Hunters Moon

It was so lovely that we decided to move the boat into Braunston together with Sue and Pete so they only had a short walk back to their car. A pleasant little journey .

After saying cheerio to our friends we then had a beautiful evening cruise to another of our favourite moorings where we watched a stunning sunset on a warm, still evening. Summer at last??!!

We moved into Wigwams Turn Marina on Monday morning where we had arranged to moor Hunters Moon for a couple of weeks whilst we settle Jenny's mum into her nursing home, sort out her house and get it fit for putting on the market and also for Sid to get to the dentist, having lost part of a tooth, and investigate further treatment to sort his heart out.

We are not sure  how the rest of our summer will pan out yet so thus may be our last post for a while but we will resume when our travels resume.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Moving into 'high summer'!

Well, as June moves into July we are still wearing our fleeces, the skies are full of rain threatening clouds, the wind is chilly and gusty and for a couple of evenings recently we have had the stove fired up to dry us out and warm us up. I suppose we are past the longest day and soon we will notice the nights drawing in!

Wild Orchids at Hilmorton Locks 

The fields of yellow during May have turned green and some are sprinkled with bright red poppies. Some fields have been taken over by poppies and create a breathtaking  and moving sight.
The blossom, so beautiful and abundant last month, has almost disappeared from the hedgerows now with the exception of the blackberries. elderflowers and wild roses. We should be in for a bumper crop of berries and hips this year.  The green canal side look as though they are waiting to be brushed with summer colour.

                               Double Rainbow over the Oxford Canal

After all the recent heavy rain the towpaths are very, very muddy especially where they are shaded from the small glimpses of sunshine on offer.