Sunday 26 July 2015


Thrupp to King's Sutton. It rained and rained and rained so eventually called it a day at King's Sutton. We were both getting cold and miserable so decided to light the fire and batten down the hatches whilst  it continued to rain and rain and rain. It soon got cosy inside and after some lovely sausages bought from the 'pig farm' we were feeling a whole lot better.

Saturday morning dawned bright, dry but very chilly,  has autumn come early this year? It was just a short trip into Banbury and after doing our domestic chores at the Banbury facilities we were amazed to find several moorings in the centre where we had arranged to meet Wayne.

Sid was do excited to meet his great granddaughter Mia who at two and a half is a delight. Wayne was so proud to introduce her to us and although we had to keep a close eye on her both around the boat and on the canal side we had a lovely time. We also met Mia's mum, Sam and her other daughters. Quite a handful for her! We will put some photos on the site on our return to Chi when Jenny will update her tablet - not before time!

Sid decided to go and fetch the car from Reading today, Sunday with the train service from Banbury  being convenient. He has taken the bike so will train to Reading, cycle to the Thames and Kennet Marina, take the car to Fenny ready for our return on Tuesday/Wednesday then cycle from Fenny to Banbury!!!!

Jenny has promised him a roast dinner on his return so she better stop blogging and get back to the boat to prepare it!

Wednesday 22 July 2015

From the Thames to the Oxford Canal

We left the Thames this morning via the Dukes Cut. This gave us two more manned locks on the Thames and a more picturesque departure from Oxford. It is always rather sad to leave this beautiful river but we know we will return in the future.

After many weeks of large locks it is strange to once again be negotiating the single locks of the Oxford Canal with just an inch or so to spare each side of Hunters Moon. We soon got back in tune with them and arrived at a very busy Thrupp where we moored in one of only two spaces left - at 1.00pm!! Very lucky!

We will slowly make our way to Banbury for Saturday where we are due to meet up with Sid's grandson, Wayne and his daughter, Mia, Sid's great granddaughter!

Monday 20 July 2015

Lovely weekend in Abingdon

We decided to moor up on Friday and spend the weekend in Abingdon. This decision was taken just after we had arrived at Clifton Lock when there were a few little spits and spots of rain. As we maneuvered towards the lock the rain got heavier and Jenny picked up her anorak as she ran through the boat to prepare the forward line for the lock. By this time the rain had got even heavier! The lockeeper had put his brolly up as he kindly took the forward line from Jenny who remarked what bad timing this was. The rain got heavier and heavier. Sid had managed to grab an umbrella but could not save the River Thames Book from a soaking! The rain beat down as the lock filled! It was so noisy beating on the bow cover and although Jenny was trying to keep dry it was  impossible with it bouncing and splashing in at her. The lock was full, the forward line being bought on board  and yes, you have guessed it, the rain stopped abruptly as we departed the lock and the sun peeped through. Heigh Ho that's  summer weather for you!

We arrived at Abingdon at 13.15 and managed to squeeze into the very last mooring amongst the extensive free moorings. As it was it was in the perfect position with our stern amongst the bushes!

We then received a call from our good friend Ruth to ask if we would like to go to the Witney Steam Fair with them and other good friends  David and Julia.

Sawing up trees the old fashioned way and not a hard hat or high vis jacket anywhere!

We had a wonderful day with loads of catching up to do and enjoyed a great deal of nostalgia. The sun shone and the day ended with us sharing a tasty BBQ back at the Wilbraham.  David and Julia expressed their desire to see Hunters Moon so they drove us back to Abingdon. Our thanks to them.

Jenny and Ruth enjoying the carousel!

Sunday dawned cool and cloudy but did not deter Janice and Dave from coming to find us. It was so good to see them and as we enjoyed a picnic and relaxed by the boat Emily loved the freedom of the open space but was a bit hesitant of the splash pool. However, Nana (Jenny) and Grandad (Sid) had a great time trying to avoid getting wet and encouraging Emily to have a good splash about! It was a delightful day and it was good to see Oliver appropriately attired in his sailor suit.

Emily, 'sailor' Oliver and Janice

Emily having free climbing lessons from daddy

Nana and Grandad trying to stay dry!

We have now arrived in Oxford for Sid's weekly train ride to Chi and then on Wednesday we head of the Thames and start heading north on the Oxford Canal.

Thursday 16 July 2015


Firstly, my apologies for lack of blogs. Jenny has been technically challenged and many of our readers may have noticed Sid has not had many beers with Jenny for a while.

We left Hunters Moon in the Thames and Kennet Marina for a few days after we came off the Kennet and Avon Canal. We really enjoyed the K and A despite some of the bad press it gets from fellow narrowboaters.

On our return we headed to Henley for a couple of nights. This was an occasion when if we had known the Henley Festival was on we would not have ventured there. However, with a little manipulation of other boats we got moored and really enjoyed the buzz around the town. We were also treated to nightly fireworks. Sadly, the weather turned really wet and miserable which didn't seem to dampen the spirits.

It was a sight to behold on Sunday morning, as we  sat dry and cosy on board, watching the queue of boats trying to get back to their  home moorings in the pouring rain. At one time we counted over 20 boats and more joining all the time. We decided to stay until Monday!

From Henley we started our return journey up river.

Pangbourne, Goring then here to Wallingford. The weather is still warm but we have had mizzle a lot and a lot of cloud.

Abingdon for the weekend then Oxford for Sid to return to Chi fo4 his weekly blood test.

Just off for pre dinner drinks with Claire and Jeremy on Happy Chance.

Raindrops across the Thames.

Friday 3 July 2015

News from Thatcham

Well, here we re back in the Swan with a good wifi signal. Since Devises we have had heat problems along with the rest of the country. I am not complaining but it has been very hot in our steel mode of transport and it has been tad hot for operating locks. So much so that Jenny lost her cool, Sid got overheated and all went a bit quite on board Hunters Moon!!! Normal service has now resumed with the onset of a lovely cooling breeze and we have arrived at back to Thatcham.

Mrs Moaner again. I am fed up with people moaning to me on the lockside about this canal and the lack of moorings! It is a bit of a problem but yesterday evening we found a really delightful wild mooring having been unable to moor where we had hoped.
Sometimes it is necessary to hack back a bit of undergrowth and the delights of the Kennet as and Avon are well worth persevering for.

We have shared locks with some great people and got to know many canal folk well. It is amazing how you keep coming across the same people time and again on this mainly to Bristol and back waterway. The lovely chap on Flying Pig was particularly helpful in remooring some boats in order to make room for us and it has been lovely to catch up with Richard on Clara Pay, along with Megan his border collie, as he makes his way back onto the Thames. Hopefully we will com cross him again as we see to have the same journey plan - roughly!

Thames and Kennet Marina is our next stop then him for a few days before setting off for our return to the Oxford Canal and back to Fenny.

Hunters Moon passing under Newbury Bridge