Saturday 30 May 2015

Thatcham on the Kennet and Avon Canal

Having just enjoyed a delicious chicken tikka masala with all the trimmings and a very pleasant drop of Pedigree in The Swan at Thatcham I am ready to update our blog.

Since the last update we have left Hunters Moon in the Thames and Kennet Marina, returned home to do all the things we had to do at home including catching up with our lovely children and grandchildren and Jenny's dear old mum. We then returned to the marina and in the pouring rain left the marina, made our way onto the K and A and arrived at Thatcham this afternoon.

After the rain of yesterday and Sid getting another soaking the sun shone tody and we are both feeling happier. We passed through Reading hastily while the rain fell and it was not long before the beautiful Berkshire countryside began to unfold, even in the wind and rain and our adventure along the K and A began.

Today we have encountered 9 very big locks, several electric swing bridges, where Jenny felt empowered as she operated the bridges thus causing long queues of traffic while Hunters Moon cruised sedately through the open bridge!  I just hope none of our readers were kept waiting!!

On through Newbury tomorrow and on towards Hungerford.

It is lovely to be back on the water and back in touch with everyone.

Entrance to the Kennet and Avon
from the Thames, at Reading

Hunters Moon in a very BIG lock!

Jenny causing a hold up at Aldermaston lifting bridge!

Sunday 17 May 2015


Jenny is experiencing all sorts of technical problems! Her mobile seems to be working from a different planet and doing very strange things. Her lovely Hudl tablet has given up the ghost, so short of resorting to snail mail she has borrowed her lovely, brilliant, handsome husband' s tablet while he is posting Facebook messages on his mobile!l

What a difference a day makes! After getting drowned on Thursday the weather improved and yesterday (Saturday) was beautiful so much so that having moored at Abingdon for lunch it was so idyllic we not only enjoyed an ice cream but also had our first Thames BBQ. It was a glorious evening despite a slight chill in the wind.

Another but breezy morning greeted us on Sunday and we departed for Goring. However, the clouds built and the wind cooled so on approaching Wallingford we decided to call it a day, find a pub, warm up and have a beer, which enables us to resume internet contact!

Thursday 14 May 2015


We spent a glorious summer evening on a tranquil and interesting mooring at Kirtlington Quarry on Sunday. The quarry now a nature reserve  has become a child's delight with places to climb, ride bikes, run free and explore. It is the sort of place that Jenny and her brother, Jon would have loved to find when they were children and on holiday. Ah! for days long ago when life was simple!

Monday morning dawned bright if somewhat breezy and we journeyed on to Thrupp where we were due to meet up with good friends David and Ruth. Quite a sober evening ensued which is surprising for us but it was good to catch up.

Tuesday was collect car day which entailed a couple of bus rides back to Fenny. Sid was then able to return to Chi on Wednesday for his weekly blood test, drop the car at the Thames and Kennet Marina Reading (ready for our return next week), then train and bus back to Thrupp.

Sid 'enjoying' driving in the rain!

Today, Thursday it rained and rained and rained! But we wanted to press in so donned our wet weather gear and travelled. It is definitely not jolly boating weather! It is miserable but at least we were dry under our 'very expensive' Rohan gear and now the stove is on we are cosy and warm and I think the forecast is better for the days ahead.

Saturday 9 May 2015


Thursday 7th May
Our 10th wedding anniversary, election day (we did a postal vote), the wind has abated and the sun is shining.
Out of the marina at last and heading south towards Oxford. It is lovely to be travelling again.
A day of sunshine and showers brings us to Cropredy on a fine sunny afternoon.

Friday 8th May
Onto Banbury where we have arranged to meet 27year old grandson, Wayne. He contacted Sid through Facebook.

We were hoping to also meet his little girl, Mia (great granddaughter) but unfortunately that could not be arranged at such short notice. Maybe another day or on our way back through Banbury on our return journey.

We had a lovely afternoon catching up and meeting Wayne's girlfriend, Sophie who was not very happy on the boat but she stuck with and was much relieved when she stepped back on Terra firma.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Back on board

Wednesday 6th May 2015
Howling wind, pouring rain and sitting in the Wharf enjoying a beer! The start of our adventures for this season.

Since we left you last summer there have been moments of highs and lows, sadness and joys. But here we are with everything stowed, well provisioned and looking forward to some adventures, hopefully some sunshine, get together with friends and family and an altogether jolly good time!

Tomorrow Sid and I celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary and we will start our journey heading south down the Oxford Canal. At Oxford we will go onto the Thames towards Reading where we meet the Kennet and Avon Canal. Then on to Bath and Bristol.